To Order A Test

Ordering test and scheduling a patient for testing is fast and easy, per call. Per physician request, a referral form must be completed. Lakeside Diagnostics Center, Inc. will provide each physician with all necessary forms. Our highly skilled staff of licensed technicians then travels to your medical site to perform the prescribed tests.
Test results are then immediately submitted to our board certified radiologist for interpretation. Our report turn around is prompt. Stat reports will be faxed to your facility.
Patient information preparing for an ultrasound test will be furnished by Lakeside Diagnostics Center, Inc.
Most ultrasound testing takes 20 to 45 minutes to complete. A simple, quick questionnaire is required from the patient and administered by our technician, to further assist our specialist to evaluate test results.
Ultrasound imaging is used extensively for evaluating the kidneys, liver, gallbladder, etc. Doppler ultrasound is an excellent diagnostic tool in the study of major vessels of the body and structures of the heart.
- Echocardiography
- Carotid
- Peripheral Vascular / Color flow
- Abdominal / Aortic
- Breast Sonogram
- Thyroid Sonogram
- Prostate/ Scrotum and Testicular
- Arterial
- Carotid
- Venous
- Real/Renal Doppler
- Liver Sonogram
- Gallbladder
- Pelvic
- Renal
- Small Parts
- Spleen
Nerve Conduction Velocity:
- Upper Somatosensory Evoked Potential: (USEP)
- Lower Somatosensory Evoked Potential: (LSEP)
Complex Urodynamics:
- Cystometrogram (CMG)
- Uroflowmetry (UFR)
- Uretheral Pressure Profile (UPP)
- Electromography (EMG)
- Stimulus Evoked Response
- Voiding Pressure Study (VP)
- Intra-Abdominal Voiding Pressure (AP)